I'm a photographer, wife, mom, daughter, big traveler, art and road trip enthusiast, coffee, crazy pants, hats and native art lover.

Prague, Seattle and Leavenworth are the places my heart
and family call home. And in these places my business
photographymama.com was born. 

I know how you are feeling in front of the camera, and for some of us, it's uncomfortable. When I put you in focus, I want you to feel the joy I feel as I capture your image. More importantly it's the connection with the subject of my photography. Every image creates a story. Emotions. In my work, it has always been about getting to know a person or a place, then getting out of the way, while they release a story to the lens. Whether it's landscape, fine art, or portrait, I don't just take photos. I envision a story.


It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter
— Alfred Eisenstaedt